About the project
Compare the activities of HRM, which are implemented by companies in V4 countries.
5 universities in the V4 countries, which has the potential to continue in the future.
Conclusions and recommendations to increase the competitiveness of the region's companies in the labour market and in achieving economic results.
Workshops, primary data collection, preparation of written materials and publication of results in business, professional and scientific periodicals and on the websites of institutions dealing with HRM in the V4 countries.
History of HRM in V4
The elements of HRM system are processes interconnected and influenced by the internal and external environment. The basic processes include recruiting, creating strategies, policies and other plans, planning the number and structure of employees, adaptation of employees, employee welfare, training and further education, job analysis, job and performance evaluation, controlling, talent management and redundancies. Employees are the object of the HRM system. In addition to their abilities, motivation is also crucial for their work performance. It grows in direct proportion to the satisfaction that companies achieve with the correct implementation of the above-mentioned HRM processes. Improving the implementation of HRM processes in companies will therefore increase the quality of life of company employees in the V4 countries. Until 1989, HRM had essentially the same character in all V4 countries. After the collapse of centrally managed economies, each country went its own way. Knowing the differences between companies in each country will help us identify gaps that need to be filled and improved. Taking into consideration turbulent changes in the external environment (i.e. pandemic time and war in the Ukraine), HRM processes are gaining significance.
Present and future challenges in HRM
The project is a combination of various activities, workshops, primary data collection, preparation of written materials and publication of results in business, professional and scientific periodicals and on the websites of institutions dealing with HRM in the V4 countries. As part of the project and cooperation between partners in all V4 countries, through the exchange of experiences and our own research, we will create a set of knowledge and data that will provide us with a picture of the level of implementation of HRM processes in companies in V4 countries. We will then use them to formulate recommendations and improving proposals for the companies concerned, implement them in the teaching process at the participating universities and present them to the general public. The project will also create a community of researchers in the V4 countries, who will continue to research the implementation of HRM processes and intensify cooperation between them. The intention is to continue similar surveys in the future and thus monitor the gradual development of HRM in all V4 countries. The planned survey contributes to the relationships creation between the businesses and universities.
There is still no official comparison of the implementation of personnel processes within V4 region. There are some indications from past cooperation, but the main benefit is the creation of a comprehensive view on HRM in the entire V4 region and the improvement of work with people in companies. Individual countries have the potential for mutual inspiration and the creation of a strong regional labour market, which will motivate quality employees to mobility within the V4 region and, conversely, will reduce the motivation of employees to leave this region. We expect this to increase the satisfaction of people living in the V4 countries, as it reduces the need to leave the familiar environment, break family ties and adapt to life in another part of the world. In this way, we will at least partially contribute to reducing the brain drain in the V4 countries, thus supporting the overall standard of living of the inhabitants of this region.
Target groups